To stop Continent-Eight, an evil executive of crime with outposts in nearly every major city in the world, secret agent Max Decker played a deadly game. Forced to kill the notorious supercriminal known as the Gila—a leader of Continent-Eight—in self-defense, Decker risked everything to masquerade as a villain. But now, when Decker finds himself on trial for the Gila's murder, he will call the only person who might be able to save him, the Emperor, head of his own shadowy organization for good.
Another thrilling novel of action, suspense and daring in the grand tradition of the pulps and the Saturday afternoon movie serials, taken directly from the Emperor's Secret Files.
For current and future fans of James Rollins' Sigma Force, Doc Savage, Matt Drake, James Bond, The Man from U.N.C.L.E, old movie serials, comic books, and the Robert Langdon novels.
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