Arthur Byron Cover is a former bookseller, critic, and bigmouth. He published several sf novels in another era. He was raised in Tazewell, Virginia, which is in Tazewell County, which was named after a man who opposed the formation of the county until he learned it was going to be named after him. He is one degree of separation from F. Scott Fitzgerald, former President Clinton, Nelson Mandela, and a whole lot of rich and famous people in liberal Hollywood, many still alive. He currently lives with his wife and six pets in the middle of nowhere called Packwood, Washington, where the elk roam and the volcanoes haven’t erupted for thirty years.
Cover is the author of the Nebula-nominee novel Autumn Angels, part of his Great Mystery trilogy, a saga of godlike men—which also includes An East Wind Coming, a novel pitting Sherlock Holmes against Jack the Ripper. His short stories have been widely anthologized, and often selected for The Year’s Best Horror Stories and other collections. He has also written works set in the Buffyverse and in Asimov’s Foundation Universe. He attended the Clarion Writer’s SF Workshop in New Orleans in 1971, and made his first professional short-story sale to Harlan Ellison’s The Last Dangerous Visions.
Autumn Angels was the second of Harlan Ellison’s Discovery Series of new authors for Pyramid Books, and was nominated for a Nebula Award. The novel has been described as “a stylistic cross-breed of Ellison and Vonnegut, and as such both predates and bests Douglas Adams in creating a comic, literary fantasy.”
Cover’s short stories have appeared in Infinity Five, Alternities, The Alien Condition, Weird Heroes #6, The Year’s Best Horror #4 and #5, Wild Cards #5: Down & Dirty, and Pulphouse. He’s also written several comic books — most notably two issues of Daredevil (one of them with Ellison), and Space Clusters, a graphic novel from DC Comics illustrated by Alex Niño — plus several animation scripts, and reviews and articles for such august publications as The New York Review of Science Fiction.
Arthur Byron Cover's Futures Past Editions eBooks
AN EAST WIND COMING [The Universe of God-Like Men Book 3] by Arthur Byron Cover
AUTUMN ANGELS [The Universe of God-Like Men Book 1] by Arthur Byron Cover
BRAINTICKET: Three Novellas of Science Fiction by Arthur Byron Cover
THE PLATYPUS OF DOOM and Other Nihilists [The Universe of God-Like Men Book 2] by Arthur Byron Cover