CHILDREN OF THE ICE [Laena’s Children, Book 1] by Charlotte Prentiss

A Woman At Once Blessed And Cursed With The Power Of Second Sight Follows Her Visions And Becomes The First Human To Cross The Perilous Bridge Of Ice To A New World Of Warmth, Plenty - And Undreamed Of Danger!

"My favorite book of all time. I never tire of it because it speaks to a very deep part of me." Amazon 5-star review

"The best book I've read in a really long time – the characters endearing and real." Goodreads

15,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, young Laena and her sister survive a tragedy that marks their lives forever. In a world where mammoths roam, where nature's most fearful forces rage, and where fellow humans can pose a deadly threat, Laena relies on her incredible courage, strength, and intelligence to endure. This is Laena's story...the story of her seer-like visions of a world beyond that shapes her into a tribal leader in a society of arrogant men...the story of Laena's triumph as the Chosen One, only to be cast out into the wilderness with her husband and child. This epic saga of adventure, passion, and suspense follows the extraordinary Laena and her family on a great journey that take them from the vast Siberian tundra and the freezing darkness of the prehistoric past to the fiery dawn of breathtaking discovery – a new world, a new age, and a new dream.

"Wonderful story, a real page turner" Amazon 5-star review "I absolutely devoured this book wondering if I had been in the story would I have made it to that utopia. Did I possess the same kind of strength as Laena? One of my favorites." —Amazon 5-star review

"Beautiful and surprisingly comforting. I am looking forward to the next book." —Goodreads

"I would give this book six stars if I could. A heroine who after a horrific tragedy develops an iron will and a vision given to her by the White Panther of a new and wonderful land that she will not let go for anyone or anything. It is this struggle that moves the story along at a fast clip, will anyone believe in her vision, will she find her parents in the new land, will anyone come with her, was it all just a childish dream...? A must." —Amazon 5-star review

Charlotte Prentiss is the celebrated author of Laena's Children, a five volume saga focusing on five key generations of women through 15,000 years of history, from their tribe's journey from the land bridge between Asia and Alaska through their slow spread south to what is now California.

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