Straight from the pages of the 1940s leading science fiction comic book of the Golden Age, Planet Stories, comes the full-color, rocketing adventures of Gale Allen and her Girl Squadron! A Venusian princess and direct descendant of King Rogert, who was the first human to land on Venus, Gale Allen grows up to become the captain of the Universal Space Patrol. A skilled space pilot sporting a ray gun at her hip, Gale leads her Girl Squadron in the fight for galactic justice, encountering their fair share of madmen and monsters, around the year 1990 (when her adventures first begin) and proceeding well into the 21st century.
A break from the ubiquitous damsel-in-distress stories readers found in the comic books of the day, Fiction House's comic book division produced a unique line of heroines—Sheena, Queen of the Jungle; Senorita Rio; Firehair, Girl of the Golden West; Mysta of the Moon, and the star of this collection, the futuristic, space-rocketing Gale Allen and her Girl Squadron, who appeared in nearly every issue of Planet Comics between #4 and #42. Written by Douglas McKee, many of the Gale Allen tales (including most of the ones collected here) were illustrated by Fran Deitrick Hopper. In those days women who illustrated comics were a rare occurrence to be sure—everywhere but Fiction House.
In each of the stories in this collection you will find adventures from Venus to Pluto, a wide range of intriguing characters, and the resplendent art work of by Fran Deitrick Hopper. Get ready to delve deep into some of the most arresting comic fun you will ever come across with Gale Allen and her Girl Squadron.
Introduction by culture commentator Ralph Greco Jr. Stories include: Beast King of the Asteroid; Mad Master of Venus; Fire Eaters of Asteroid Z; War Maid of the Death World; Castaways of the Star Lanes, and others.
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