An essential, entertaining and illuminating must-read for…
*Fans of Star Trek: The Original Series;
*Fans of Fantastic Voyage (the movie);
*Fans of The Man from Earth (movie duology);
*Anyone interested in screenwriting;
*Anyone interested in how movies are produced and made;
*Anyone who appreciates a compelling, thought-provoking, well-crafted story that spans eons, yet takes place in a single evening.
Here is famed Star Trek writer (and creator of the famed "Mirror Universe") Jerome Bixby's original screenplay for his celebrated feature film, The Man from Earth—and not one word has been changed.
Read it for fun or read it for insight into the author's fertile imagination and wide-ranging perspective on humankind.
...Or compare it to the final film version for insight into the kinds of changes the producers felt were needed to fulfill its potential as a motion picture. Will you agree their alterations improved it, or will you scratch you head in wonder at their decisions?
With a Foreword by Bixby's son, Emerson, himself a successful screenwriter, detailing the development of the script from the initial concept to the final writing of the screenplay (with the last pages being dictated as his father lay dying), through multiple attempts to sell the film, the many lucrative offers turned down from companies determined to make major alterations of message and meaning—to the final selection of Richard Schenkman and Falling Sky Entertainment, who shared Jerome Bixby's original vision of The Man from Earth.
And with an Introduction by producer Richard Schenkman about why he wanted to make the film and many incidents involved in its casting, production and critical reception that led to its sequel The Man from Earth: Holocene.
Whether you are a fan of Bixby's writing, or a film buff, or a budding filmmaker, you will want to read this one-of-a-kind book.
As a bonus, this special ebook edition features a gallery of production stills and posters for the movie.