“Hard SF, satire, adventure, and some very strange humor combine in this intriguing, inventive, and sometimes disconcerting SF story.” —Science Fiction Chronicle

A wild young Chicano artist who covers Greater Los Angeles with fantastic graffiti. A beautiful African telepath who opens the door to communications with the deadly Sirens of Jupiter.

“An alien first contact story featuring a hyperactive, irreverent, and self-absorbed Chicano artist from East LA. Cortez is recruited to make contact with creatures discovered on Jupiter who 'speak' in projected images. It's a dangerous assignment; previous attempts to communicate have ended in insanity and death, but Pablo is always up for a little bit of craziness.” —Michael Lichter, Amazon

“Ernest Hogan is the creator of a Xicano science fiction genre with a crossover readership. …raw creativity.” —Frank S Lechuga

Combining hard science fiction with pyrotechnics worthy of The Stars, My Destination, Ernest Hogan tells the story of the painter who founds the Guerrilla Muralists of Los Angeles, and goes on to make Mankind's first contact with the sentient life-forms of Jupiter.

“Energetic, fast-paced, funny, and thoroughly enjoyable.”  —Analog

Not since Ayn Rand's Howard Roarke has there been an artist as iconoclastic, as idealistic, and as splendidly spectacular as Pablo Cortez. And look out, he's twice as radical!

“If Hunter S Thompson and Alfred Bester had a Chicano child, it would be this.” —Dave Hutchinson

It's a roller-coaster ride from vulgarity to the transcendent, as the unforgettable Pablo Cortez struggles, selfishly and selflessly, to expand humanity's consciousness on a journey from the barrio to the stars.

“It grabs you and won't let you go. The best [first novel] I've read in science fiction since Neuromancer.” —Tom Witmore, Locus


“All cultures have some acceptable form of human sacrifice. And if you really want to cause trouble, try taking it away.” —Pablo Cortez

PW Review

Hogan's debut, first published in 1990, introduced the subgenre of Chicano SF to a startled, dazzled American audience. Now, 25 years later, the book's Spanglish prose and freeform plot still amuse. All Pablo Cortez cares about is creating art, whether it's humongous graffiti sprayed across Los Angeles or zero-gravity paint slinging in space. Uncool authorities and timid collaborators can't stop him. When he confronts the alien Sirens of Jupiter, who have zapped the minds of earlier explorers, he takes their overwhelming flood of bizarre images as subject matter for new masterpieces. Hogan keeps Pedro's obsessive rants from becoming too intense by working them into a collage of comments from friends and enemies, along with hefty chunks of Aztec mythology, as he builds a jangling, rambunctious picture of artistic genius. This is tons of fun for freethinking readers who appreciate heroes with cojones.
Publishers Weekly

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