OVID REVISITED: A Metamorphic Fantasy by Brian Brookwell

A Dazzling Collection of Metamorphic Tales!

Here's a book everyone has been anticipating for far too long, a delightful, science fictional updating of a very old favorite, Ovid Revisited. Only artist Brian Brookwell, author of His Merwife and Other Metamorphic Fantasies, could have unleashed the imagination to pen this story of geneticist Dr. James Westland, who discovers how to free people to live out their wildest dreams by transforming the human body into almost any desired shape. Soon the good Doctor has more clients than he can handle, as people beg to become human fish, bats, canines, crabs, bears, and hornets—and some go even further, transforming themselves into plants and furniture.

The possibilities are mind-bending but Brookwell keeps the focus on the human, taking us into the lives of these new metamorphic individuals as they go through their radical transformations. He shows us the motivations that drive them and the satisfactions and frustrations they encounter in their new lives.

The stories in Ovid Revisited are based on Brookwell's wonderful images of people metamorphosed into various real and mythic creatures which can be found at www.mermaidstail.info.

Categories Science Fiction , Fantasy , F - Anthologies & Collections
Author Page Brian Brookwell's Futures Past Editions eBooks