Here is a rollicking fantasy about the search for the missing Prince Knight Black, husband of the beautiful but shrewish Princess Jennifer of Retslu. It includes ghosts, demons, dragons, witches, sorcerers, a fabulous and wild birthday ball, war, revolution, high adventure, magic and time travel—and it begins where most fairy tales end, after the handsome prince marries the beautiful princess.
On a dark and stormy night within Castle Klinton, a quarrel brews between the royal couple. Prince Knight Black regrets his marriage to the Princess, who in her final months of pregnancy has become impossible to live with. After Knight Black stalks off from her room and disappears, Prince Black Pawn is born. Promptly following the baby's birth, a ghost predicts disaster for the kingdom and a witch places a curse on him.
When King Woden decides to hire a sorcerer to help with these problems, Hokum, a prestidigitator and juggler, gets the job. The King also sends his best men on quests: General Eric to find and assassinate the missing Prince Knight Black; Minister Dorian, Tiger Lily and the boisterous braggart, Lord Noise, to retrieve a lost talisman; Duke Wisdom and Bishop Faith to defeat the demoness who caused all the mischief; Hokum, the humbug sorcerer, to consult a prophetic book; and Screege, the miserly treasury secretary, to search for the king's missing foster children.
Meanwhile, Jennifer is kidnapped by a demon who dwells in her mirror, King Woden collapses into a deathlike coma and King Skeemer, Woden's northern neighbor, conquers Retslu. It's a modern fantasy classic in the making no true fan should miss!
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