Swords, Sorcery and Spaceships in Science Fantasy Classic!
"A compelling read, SF in its primal form!" —Ardath Mayhar, Balrog Award winner, Nebula Award nominee.
Available for the first time ever in book form, Last Days of Thronas is one of the rarest of the fabled science fiction adventures from the golden days of the pulp magazines. It appeared only in a rare 1954 issue of Science Stories and has never been reprinted.
After five years of slavery, Garthanas, the Hamarian Sword and defender of his oppressed people, returns to find the woman he loves has deserted him and his best friend has betrayed him. Now Garthanas lives only for revenge. But his plans change suddenly when he learns of a plot by Thamas I, the planet's evil ruler, to liquidate the entire Hamarian race. It's a plan Garthanas swears to stop, even if he has to fight his way through every guard and soldier in the palace. And he will! But what can one lone swordsman do when Thamas I is protected by the might of the golden Godship, relic of a now lost science?
Evoking echoes of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard, legendary pulp author Stuart J. Byrne's dazzling novel goes far beyond mere action to blend swordplay, feats of heroism, tangled family relationships, sexual psychology, social criticism, spirituality, and even echoes of the holocaust. This is one of the don't-miss novels from the pulps with overtones of sophistication and scientific thought rarely found there.