CARNACKI GHOST FINDER: The Classic of Supernatural Terrors by William Hope Hodgson

"Our Best Writer of Ghost Stories!"

Steven King was influenced by the work of William Hope Hodgson, while horror maestro H.P. Lovecraft praised Carnacki, Ghost Finder as a work of "undeniable power [that] affords glimpses of the peculiar genius characteristic of the author,"—and hailed the author himself, writing that "Few can equal him in adumbrating the nearness of nameless forces and monstrous besieging entities through casual hints and insignificant details, or in conveying feelings of the spectral and the abnormal in connection with regions or buildings."

William Hope Hodgson was one of the archetypal masters of gaslight-era horror, and Carnacki ranks as one of his proudest creations. For the quiet, colorless man with the apartment by the river is in actuality a ghost-hunter and demon-layer extraordinaire. Armed with an encyclopedic knowledge of the arcane arts and supernatural manifestations, Carnacki puts on his coat and turns up his collar before stepping out the door to confront demons, hauntings, invisible presences, and fifth-dimensional intrusions. Journey with him—if you dare—while Carnacki confronts "The Thing Invisible," enters "The Gateway of the Monster," braves the terrors of "The Whistling Room," battles a dread entity from another realm.

"The Hog," Hodgson is "Our best writer of ghost stories" (The Liverpool Courier.) Here is a genuine classic of supernatural fiction no horror fan can afford to miss.

Cover: Elspeth Fahey.

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