THE FIRST JULES VERNE OMNIBUS: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; The Mysterious Island; from th

Three Classic Science Fiction Greats in One eBook!

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, The Mysterious Island, From the Earth to the Moon in one ebook—for one low price. Here are three legendary science fiction novels by the father of futuristic prediction, Jules Verne.

Twenty Thousand Leagues tells of the Nautilus, the first submarine, helmed by Nemo, a vengeful scientist who hates war and munitions manufacturers. The Mysterious Island brings a group of castaways face to face with a dying Nemo. From the Earth to the Moon combines tongue-in-cheek humor with hard scientific thinking (for the era) in describing the first flight to Luna.

All three books complete and unabridged—over 2,000 pages in hardcover.

Cover: Frank R. Paul circa 1929

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Author Page Jules Verne's Futures Past Editions eBooks