THE LAST DWARVES DUOLOGY: The Little Men & The Old King by Joseph E. Kelleam

His Last Name Marked Him to Save a World and Woo a Princess—If She'd Have Him!

From the pages of Amazing Stories in the 1950s comes this great sf adventure duology centering on a man named Dr. Jack Odin. Odin knew all about the Norse legends, naturally he had read them as a kid. But he never expected a midnight call from a group of dwarves and a beautiful princess wanting medical aid for a companion. ...Except, their companion turned out to be the assassin of a high U.S. official—a fact which Jack only realizes after he operates and saves the man's life.

Forced to flee with the "little men" and their companions, Jack finds himself traveling to a lost world in a vast cavern beneath the Earth's crust! There, in a land that played host to wrecked star travelers for ages, Jack Odin must face his rival, the evil Grim Hagen, for the hand of the brilliant and beautiful Princess Maya—an act that sets off the Gotterdammerung of a world and the ultimate battle between Hunters Out of Time.

But even when all seems lost for Grim, his cunning mind finds a way to steal Maya away and kidnap her into space at faster-than-light speeds, where centuries will pass for those on Earth while only months pass for Dr. Odin, and his only fear is coming face-to-face with the terrible Hunters Out of Space.

Originally published as Hunters Out of Time and Hunters Out of Space.

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Categories Science Fiction , Fantasy , F - Bargain Omnibuses , SF - Bargain Omnibuses
Author Page Joseph E. Kelleam's Futures Past Editions eBooks